FaceLift is a Macintosh application that allows font, point size and type style information in MacWrite documents to be reformatted. You construct the input format/output format mapping in the Map window, then select Reformat or Reformat As from the File menu to reformat a document. Maps may be saved to a file and reused later.
A brief summary of menu operations:
File Menu
New Map
Clears the current map.
Open Map…
Clears the current map and replaces it with the contents of a map file.
Add Map…
Adds the contents of a map file to the current map.
Save Map
Saves the map to the current map file.
Save Map As…
Asks for a file name and save the map to that file.
Closes the front window.
Reformat a document using the specifications in the map. The document is reformatted in place.
Reformat As…
Reformat a document using the specifications in the map. The document is reformatted into another file.
Exit FaceLift.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu is only active when the map window or a desk accessory window is frontmost. If an accessory is frontmost, only the standard items are enabled. If the map window is frontmost, other items may be enabled.
Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, New and Duplicate operate on entire lines. All except Copy are undoable. (Undo also applies to changes made to the currently selected line with the controls in the map window.) Cut, Copy and Paste affect the clipboard in the usual way.
Adds a new line to end of map.
Duplicates the selected line and inserts duplicate immediately following.
Orders the map. Sorting is done on the basis of the input side of the map only. "Any" always sorts last.
Eliminates duplicate lines.
Input and output formats are swapped.
Special Menu
Show Formats…
Displays, in a separate window, the formats contained in a document. Click the mouse to abort early.
Use Formats…
Places the formats contained in a document into the map. The output format side of each line is set to Same/Same/Same. This option allows you to avoid guessing how a document is formatted. Fill in what each input format should be changed to.
Add Formats…
Adds the formats contained in a document to the current map.
Show Bad Formats
Causes undecipherable formats found in Use Formats or Add Formats operations to be announced.
Standard Font List
Constructs list of available fonts from standard FaceLift list.
Resource File Fonts
Constructs list of available fonts from fonts in open resource files.
Show Current Font
When this item is checked, the currently selected font is scrolled into view in the font list whenever the selection changes.
Get Info
Display this window.
FaceLift is a TransSkel/TransDisplay application written in LightspeedC. It is public domain and may be distributed without restriction. Comments may be sent to the author at: